JMRC Lectures in 2006
Prof. Ryszard J. Gryglewski (Jagiellonian University)
“Old Age – what is it like ?”
An unusual story on biochemical and philosophical aspects of entering Old Age.
20th April 2006, Minor Hall of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, 17 Slawkowska, Kraków, Poland
Prof. Jerzy A. Żołądź (University of Physical Education in Kraków)
“On causes of Physical fatigue of human skeleton muscles in physical effort”
9th June 2006, Minor Hall of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, 17 Slawkowska, Kraków, Poland
Prof. Tadeusz Malinski (University of Ohio, USA)
“Nanomedicine in diseases of cardiovascular system”
19th June 2006, Minor Hall of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, 17 Slawkowska, Kraków, Poland
Prof. Zoltan Papp (University of Debrecen, Hungary)
“ Why does heart fail ?”
7th November 2006, Minor Hall of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, 17 Slawkowska, Kraków, Poland